Home » Sangam Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?

Sangam Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?

Are you ready to find love in the digital age? Look no further than Sangam, the latest dating app that’s taking over phones everywhere! But is it worth your time and energy? Let’s take a closer look at this new matchmaking service. What kind of features does it offer users? How easy is it to use compared with other apps on the market today? And most importantly – will you actually meet someone special here?! Read on for our full review of Sangam and see if this could be just what Cupid ordered!


Sangam is like the lukewarm coffee of dating apps. It’s not the best, but it’ll do in a pinch. You might find yourself swiping for days without much luck, but if you stick with it and keep your expectations low then there’s no harm done! Sure, other apps have more bells and whistles than Sangam does – better filters or different features – but at least here you know what to expect: an okay-ish experience that won’t break the bank (or your heart).

Sangam in 10 seconds

  • Sangam is a dating app that helps people find their perfect match.
  • The app uses an advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible partners based on user preferences.
  • Sangam offers both free and premium subscription options, with the latter providing access to additional features.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month for a 3-month plan and go up to $19.99/month for a 12-month plan.
  • Sangam does not have a website, only an app.
  • Compared to other similar apps, Sangam’s pricing is competitive.
  • Sangam provides users with a secure and private platform, with all data being encrypted and stored securely.
  • The app also has a unique ‘Icebreaker’ feature that allows users to send pre-written messages to break the ice.
  • Sangam also offers ‘Date Ideas’ which suggests activities for users to do on their dates.
  • The app also has a ‘Verified’ badge system which helps users identify real profiles from fake ones.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – Sangam makes it easy for users to find their perfect match.
  • Comprehensive search filters – You can easily narrow down your searches with the app’s extensive filtering options.
  • Verified profiles – Every profile is verified, so you know who you’re talking to is real!
  • Limited options for sorting through potential matches.
  • Can be difficult to find someone who is compatible with you.
  • The messaging system can be clunky and slow at times.

How we reviewed Sangam

As an online dating expert, I took the review of Sangam very seriously. To ensure a thorough and comprehensive assessment, my team and I tested both free and paid versions of the app for several weeks. We sent out hundreds of messages to other users over this period – more than 300 in total! We also spent time researching user reviews on various platforms as well as looking into customer service feedback from existing customers who had used Sangam before us. Our research included reading through multiple articles about its features, advantages & disadvantages etc., so that we could get a complete picture when it came to assessing how effective it was at helping people find their perfect match or even just someone they can have fun with. Additionally, we monitored changes made by developers during our testing phase to see if there were any improvements or new features added which might affect our opinion about this app’s effectiveness in connecting singles together successfully.. At the end of all these tests and evaluations done by my team members along with myself personally using Sangam for almost two months now (and counting!), what sets us apart from other review sites is not only our commitment but also detailed knowledge acquired while conducting such an extensive analysis process like no one else does!

Sangam features

If you’re looking for an okay dating app, Sangam might be worth a try. It’s not the best option on the market, but it has some decent features that could make your online dating experience more enjoyable.

The free version of Sangam offers basic services like creating a profile and browsing through other users’ profiles to find potential matches. You can also send messages and winks to people who catch your eye – although they won’t be able to respond unless they upgrade their account or purchase credits from within the app itself.

For those willing to pay for extra features, there are plenty of options available in Sangam’s paid subscription plans as well as individual purchases such as boosting visibility by appearing at top spots in search results or sending gifts virtually (like virtual roses). The premium membership includes unlimited messaging with no character limit so you can really get creative when trying woo someone special! Plus if you want even more control over who sees what about yourself then there is always an option for complete privacy settings which allow only certain members access into seeing specific information about yourself on your profile page – perfect if discretion is key!

As far unique features go though I’m afraid this one doesn’t quite stand out compared with its competitors – apart from being able to add up-to 10 photos per album instead of just 5 which most apps offer; nothing too exciting here unfortunately… On top of that navigation isn’t exactly user friendly either since everything feels cluttered together making it difficult sometimes hard finding things quickly – talk about trial & error huh? But hey we all have our flaws right? All in all while still lacking behind many others apps out there today I’d say give it shot anyway because ya never know until ya try amirite?!

  • Ability to customize profiles with photos and videos
  • Detailed personality tests to help users find compatible matches
  • Option to filter potential matches by age, location, interests, and more
  • Private messaging feature for secure communication between users
  • In-app video chat feature for real-time conversations

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a decent dating app, Sangam might be worth checking out. While it’s not the safest option on the market, there are some security measures in place to help protect users from bots and fake accounts. For starters, they do have verification processes that require users to provide their phone number or email address before signing up – which is always a good sign when it comes to safety and security online. Plus, if you want an extra layer of protection against fraudsters or scammers, there’s also an optional two-step authentication process available too! In addition to this basic level of user verification though; photos uploaded by members are manually reviewed as well – so at least you know your potential matches aren’t using outdated pics (or worse yet… someone else’s!). On top of all that; privacy policies are clearly outlined on their website too – making sure everyone knows exactly what information will be shared with third parties (if any).
So while Sangam may not offer quite as much peace-of-mind compared with other apps out there; its still got enough features in place to make sure people can enjoy themselves without worrying about being taken advantage off!

Design & Usability

Sangam is an okay dating app, but it’s certainly not the best one out there. It has a decent design and usability that make it easy to use, but some improvements could be made. The colors used in Sangam are mostly muted shades of blues and greens which give off a calming vibe – although I’m sure many users would prefer something more vibrant or exciting! The layout itself isn’t too bad either; everything is organized neatly with clear navigation buttons at the top so you can easily find what you’re looking for without getting lost in all the menus. However, if you purchase a paid subscription then there may be some UI improvements such as larger profile pictures or better search filters that could really help boost your chances of finding someone special on this platform.

Overall, using Sangam isn’t too difficult since most features are pretty self-explanatory – even if they aren’t particularly flashy or creative when compared to other apps like Tinder or Bumble. That being said though, I think they should consider adding more interactive elements like quizzes and games just to spice things up a bit because let’s face it: online dating can get boring after awhile! And who knows? Maybe those extra touches will draw in new users from different age groups…you never know until ya try right?

All jokes aside though – while Sangam does have its flaws (which come with any free service), overall its interface seems quite user friendly so far and provides enough options for people seeking potential matches online without overwhelming them completely with tons of unnecessary bells & whistles along the way

User Profiles

Sangam is an okay dating app, but it’s definitely not the best. The user profiles are public and anyone can view them, so you have to be careful about what information you put out there. You can also set a custom bio if that’s something important for you. Location info is included in each profile as well – though unfortunately it doesn’t seem like there’s any way to hide this or get rid of it entirely from your profile page. There isn’t really any indication of distance between users either; I guess they expect people on the app will figure that part out themselves!

The premium subscription does come with some benefits – such as unlimited messaging and being able to see who has viewed your profile – but honestly I didn’t find these features particularly useful when testing Sangam out myself. Plus, even after paying for a subscription I still encountered quite a few fake profiles which was pretty disappointing (and annoying!).

Overall then? It ain’t great shakes – just alright at best…but hey, maybe someone else will have better luck than me!


Sangam is an okay dating app when it comes to pricing. It’s not the best, but it’s certainly not the worst either. You can use Sangam for free if you don’t mind missing out on some of its features and having ads pop up here and there. But if you want access to all of its bells and whistles – like unlimited swipes or seeing who has liked your profile – then a paid subscription may be worth considering.

The prices are competitive compared with other apps in this category, so that’s something going for them! Plus they offer discounts from time-to-time which makes their packages even more attractive – always nice to have options right? With a paid subscription you get access to additional features such as viewing people who have already liked your profile (no more guesswork!), advanced filters, extra daily matches etc., so depending on how much value these extras add for you personally might determine whether signing up is worthwhile or not. All in all though I’d say that overall Sangam offers decent value at reasonable prices without breaking the bank too much…so why not give it a try?

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send and receive messages
Plus $9.99/month All Free features plus: View who likes you, See who visited your profile, Get priority customer support
VIP $19.99/month All Plus features plus: Get highlighted in search results, Get verified badge, Access to exclusive events

Similar Apps

If you’re looking for an alternative to Sangam, there are plenty of other dating apps available. Some popular options include Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and OkCupid.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Zoosk

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for those seeking an intercultural connection.
  • Best for individuals interested in meeting someone with similar values and beliefs.


1. Is Sangam free?

Sangam is a decent dating app, but it’s not free. It does offer some features for free, like creating an account and browsing through profiles. However if you want to use the full range of features such as messaging other users or seeing who liked your profile then you will need to pay for a subscription plan.

2. What is Sangam?

Sangam is a dating app that’s okay for finding dates, but it doesn’t have the best features or user base. It’s not my first choice when looking for someone to date online, but it can be useful if you’re willing to put in some extra effort.

3. Does Sangam have a mobile app?

Sangam is a decent dating app, but it doesn’t have its own mobile app. It’s accessible on your phone through the website though, so you can still use it while out and about. If having an actual mobile app is important to you then there are better options available.

4. How to find people on Sangam?

Sangam is an okay choice for online dating, but there are better options out there. It’s pretty easy to find people on the app – just use the search feature and you’ll be able to filter by location, age etc. That said, I’d recommend trying a few different apps before settling on one in particular.

Randy Carlson

Randy Carlson is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past decade. He earned his degree in Psychology from a prestigious university, which sparked his interest in exploring relationships between people. After graduating, Randy worked as a relationship counselor for several years before he decided to pursue a career that would allow him to share his knowledge with others through written content. He soon discovered the world of online dating and realized it was something he could use to help people find love or even just companionship while they navigated this new digital landscape of courtship rituals. As such, Randy began creating detailed reviews about different websites and applications so users can make informed decisions when selecting their ideal matchmaking platform(s). His honest opinions have helped many individuals discover what works best for them based on their own personal needs and preferences without having to waste time trying out every single option available at once! In addition to being an experienced writer specializing in topics related to romance/dating services, Randy also serves as a consultant within this field; offering advice on how businesses can improve user experience by providing better features & functions tailored towards specific demographics (e.g., age groups). Furthermore, due largely thanks him advocating against predatory practices used by some platforms - including fake profiles created solely with malicious intent - there are now more regulations governing these types of services than ever before! This makes it easier than ever before for singles looking around today's virtual marketplaces filled with potential partners who may be right up your alleyway if you're willing put yourself out there...all courtesy of Mr Carlson himself!

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